Colorado Lions Foundations

The Colorado Lions Foundation (CLF)

The Colorado Lions Foundation, a 501(c3) organization, provides annual Educational Scholarships for Colorado High School graduates, provides matching funds and grants for humanitarian projects like Colorado Kidsight, provides for special promotions (i.e. Humanitarian Awards, Ann Sullivan Awards, Helen Keller Awards and Family Membership Grants), and manages the asset base of the foundation which includes the Colorado Lions Camp real-estate and various accounts with specific designations and objectives.

Colorado Lions Camp

The camp above the clouds scene

Camp Activities will include:  Ropes/Challenge course, sports, games, short trips to nearby attractions, cultural interchange, crafts, game room.  This is a rustic camp emphasizing international understanding, outdoor activities and the purpose of Lions International.  Bring something to share from your country such as a dance, traditional costume, music, skit, presentation.

Picture of Colorado Lions camp

Colorado Lions Camp Conference Center

The Colorado Lions Camp and Conference Center is a project of the Lions Clubs from the state of Colorado.  The camp is a year round facility providing summer programs for those with developmental and physical disabilities and winter programs available for larger and smaller groups.

The camp is nestled at 8,500 feet in the mountains of Pike National Forest, just 30-minutes west of Colorado Springs and four miles north of Woodland Park on Highway 67N.

Colorado Lions Kidsight

Kidsight Camera with a child

We provide grants to the Colorado Lions Kidsight program. About 7-15% of kids screened - nearly 4 million - will be referred for a follow-up exam by an eye-care professional. Approximately 5% of all children in this age group will have amblyopia, a treatable disorder that can result in permanently reduced vision when not addressed by an early age. The screening devices detect risk factors for amblyopia, such as strabismus (eyes that cross or wander out), refractive errors and unequal vision between the two eyes, and potentially even more serious issues such as cataracts and eye cancer.

With just minutes of training, any Lion or volunteer can screen the vision of a child. Just push a few buttons and the screening devices used in KidSight do all the work for you. Screening devices even generate the results immediately for easy management of screening results. It's simple, it's fun, and there's nothing more rewarding then helping a child!