Standard Grant
Many people throughout Colorado lack access to items and services that many of us take for granted. Through standard grant projects, communities gain access to education, technology, health care, safe places for children to play and many other life-changing improvements. Standard grants involve indentifying what is needed most for a community, and making it a life-changing reality.
Providing matching funds, standard grants for humanitarian projects are the most common type of grant awarded. Projects must serve the people and must be beyond the scope of traditional club fundraising activities. Standard grants generally provide capital funding for equipment and infrastructure needs. Typical projects include the Colorado Lions Camp, hospices, blind and disabled centers, eye clinics.
Mission Statement & Funding Priorities
Standard Grants provide capital funding to help establish or expand Lions-initiated service projects that address critical and diverse human & social needs around the state. Funding is prioritized for the equipment and infrastructure needs of such project. All grant proposals should meet one or more CLF traditional funding concerns: humanitarian services, aid for people who are blind and disabled, and the Colorado Lion's Camp.
Humanitarian Services
Grants awarded in this area target critical health & human service needs not adequately addressed by local & state governments and other funding sources, and other projects consistent with Lions' humanitarian work. Grants are not available for individuals.
Eligible Projects
It should address an important humanitarian need. Supports efforts too large for one club to undertake. Provides long term benefits. Involves Lions hand on activities, and identifies lions closely with project.
Non-Eligible Projects
Start-up facilities, individual assistance, and situations more appropriately funded by the government or other institutions. Operating or administrative expenses. Grants intended to repay loans or establish reserves, including endowments. Community beautification projects: parks, swimming pools, playgrounds, monuments, memorials, gardens and athletic fields. Scientific research, construction of residential housing, purchasing of land or buildings, lions club meeting facilities, salaries, stipends, scholarships, or honorariums. Community centers/multi purpose facilities. Projects lacking Lions identity and involvement.
Standard Grant Criteria
Projects that seek CLF funding shall have a strong Lions identity with the project and ongoing involvement of local Lions.
Priority is given to projects serving the neediest sectors of society and demonstrating financial need. (Rev. 1-14-16)
Priority is given to projects in which Lions provide volunteer services, have a track record of previous support, and a clearly identifiable role in helping administer the project.
The Lion's Club must make a significant financial commitment to the project. At least half of the local matching funds must be secured and/or raised by the Lions submitting the grant application.
The local matching funds may only be in the form of cash. In-kind donations, whether land, labor or materials will strengthen the proposal and should be highlighted in the project write up, but such in kind support may not be included in the budget as part of the matching funds toward the CLF Grant.
Additionally, local matching funds must represent cash available or pledged for the current project being proposed. Grants shall not be made on a continuing basis to any project. Lion's projects receiving a standard grant must wait one year after submission of the final grant report before applying for a new grant, and only if the grant has made its objectives.
Projects receiving grant funding shall be clearly identified as being made possible by CLF through appropriate recognition, signs, and public relations activities. Final grant reports must include confirmation of recognition.
Each grant application is judged solely on its own merit and the degree to which it meets the criteria and the humanitarian funding priorities of CLF as established by the Board of Trustees.
Grant applicants must submit their project proposals using the CLF application form in its entirety. The project budget must clearly itemize all project income sources and expense items; project income must equal expense. Incomplete applications or proposals in other formats will be ineligible.
Grant proposals may be submitted by any Lions Club in Colorado. Applications submitted must be signed by the Club President and be certified by resolution by the Club. Appropriate Club meeting minutes at which the application was certified must be submitted with the application.
The project that CLF is being asked to fund should not have commenced. Completed projects are not eligible for funding, nor shall grants be used to repay loans, or establish financial reserves, or reimburse loans.
Lions & their families should not receive direct or professional benefit or have proprietary interest in projects receiving CLF assistance.
Approved Grants are made payable to the appropriate Lions Club, or Lions facility, i.e. Lions Camp, Kidsight, Eyebank, etc. The Club President in office at the time the grant is approved shall serve as grant administrator for the life of the project. It shall be his/her responsibility to disburse funds to the project and account for CLF grants funding. The same is appropriate for other Lions' facilities mentioned above. CLF reserves the rights to replace grant administrators as necessary.
Grant recipients are responsible for submission of a thorough report detailing project results and the exact use of CLF funds upon the completion of the project. Lions Clubs failing to submit such a report for a completed project will not be eligible to receive any additional grants.
CLF meets four times a year or more. Applications that are incomplete or require additional time for clarification of details may be held over for a review at a later board meeting.
Applicants have six months from the date of approval to collect and secure their matching funding. CLF does not release grant funds until the matching funds are collected and ready for implementation of the project.
Approved grant funded projects shall be implemented in a reasonable timeframe and completed within two years from the date of the grant approval. Extensions may be considered on a case by case basis.
After sufficient consultation with the applicant, CLF retains the authority to rescind grants that are either not initiated or not making sufficient progress within this two year time rame. Any disbursed funds that are not adequately documented shall be returned to CLF if the grant is rescinded.
Standard Grant Application Form
Please review the CLF Standard Grant Criteria and Regulations before completing this application. Each of the questions outlined below must be completed before the CLF Board of Trustees can consider the application. If answering on separate pages, please indicate the question by its corresponding number.
Please send completed grant application and all documentation to the Colorado Lions Foundation. Applications must be received 14 days prior to a scheduled Board Meeting in order for the item to be placed on the agenda.
The CLF Trustees and staff reserve the right to request additional pertinent information as needed.
A letter will be sent to confirm the grant has been received.
Proposals formatted for other organizations will not be accepted. This includes power point presentations created for general funding campaigns.
Project Description
Date Submitted
Project Name
Amount of funds requested from CLF
Number of people who will directly benefit from this project
Problem identification and project objectives. Please provide:
Description of the particular problems to be addressed
Detailed reasons & justifications for the project
Statement of the project's objectives and goals
Project strategy and plan of action Please provide:
Detailed plan of this project, indicating how the project's objectives will be reached.
If plans are to build a permanent structure, give a physical description of the facility and its contents, including dimensions, blueprints, photographs, construction cost estimates and price quotations for equipment.
Include a timetable for project implantation and completion.
If project has already commenced, please list progress to date and include photographs. (Note: Expended funds cannot be considered as income for the project)
Explain how the project will be sustained in future years. Describe who will be responsible for operational, maintenance and administrative expenses. Provide a detailed five year financial plan outlining income and expenses.
Describe the geographical area and the communities that will be served, including socio-economic data.
Provide background information on, as well as supporting role of any other organizations participating in the project.
Provide contact information for the primary project coordinator including name, mailing address, telephone, fax and email address. Also list names and contact information for other individuals who should be copied on future correspondence regarding this application.
Lions Identification and Involvement
Describe how Lions will be involved in the project and the plans for Lions' continuing participation after support from CLF has concluded. Include any history relating to Lions' involvement with this project.
Indicate how the project will be identified and promoted as a Lions-supported project.
Any publicity materials and media regarding the project should acknowledge the support and involvement of CLF and Lions.
Project Budget
Include an itemized budget for the entire project using the chart format shown below.
Individually all separate sources of funding for this project.
Local matching funds must be in the form of cash contributions. Donated services and in-kind support for projects are welcome, but such support cannot be listed as an income source. The cost of land and existing buildings cannot be listed as an income source.
The CLF grant request should be listed as an income source.
The expense side of the budget should show actual expenses and give an itemization of any large amounts.
Please include appropriate documentation for the expense items listed in the budget. For each item on the expense column, include: pro-forma invoices, supplier price quotations, cost estimates for construction work, and other cost documentation. Enclose product brochures for any type of equipment purchases.
Click the Grant Criteria & Application Form (upper right) to Download or Print. Complete the application and sign the application.
Mail it to the address below.